If you are here, then you would like to know more about black sunn enterprises. Well, there isn't a whole lot to know -- you're better off reading the who are we webpage than this one. This is here just because it's my original "black sunn enterprises" description page, but I thought that if I'm going to be treating this as a real entity, I better change things to look like a real entity is behind all this. Sorry to disappoint you, but black sunn enterprises is the Wizard behind the curtain that Toto reveals...there really isn't any substance to black sunn enterprises, except for the name. It's nice to have a business name to act as, and do business as, so that's why this site is here. If you want to know a little black sunn trivia, then read on. Black Sunn Enterprises is the collective title of my hobby projects. For the most part, I earn no money from any of them. Since I might earn income from them in the future, because it's nice to have a collective name for all my projects, and to make things sound more important, I decided to give everything a name. Also, this way I have a company name to use when I install new software, and it asks for my name and company. (Truthfully, that's the first purpose I had for this name. I also rarely used my real name -- most of my software belongs to "Ralph the Wonder Dog".) You may want to watch this space -- If my luck takes a turn for the better, this may become your average corporate webpage with shareholder information and so on. My other projects: The Thrift Shop PC -- a e-zine dedicated to not just collecting older computers, but making good use of them. DestinyBBS -- a hobby BBS system, located in Fargo, North Dakota My home page Name origin: The folk group Trova perform the song "Paint on the Wall," a song from the musical "Happenstance". In the song there is a line: "...And I drift away to darkness, Like a dove that's flying south, Where the black sun shines, And the rivers fall, And the crickets call, From the paint on the wall..." You'd have to listen to the whole song to really appreciate the meaning, but I'm not going to reproduce the whole thing here, because that's not my purpose. If you're really interested, check them out -- they are a great band. After searching on the internet for close matches to my company name, I must use this disclaimer: --I am not, and have never been, affiliated with the Star Wars story things (I understand that there's something called 'Dark Sun' involved in the storyline somewhere. --I am not, and have never been, affiliated with The Black Sunn, which has something to do with Ultima Online, but I'm not sure, because that roleplaying stuff is beyond me. |