Wired Get Wired news in your mailbox every day:
2600: The Hacker Quarterly    
Customers Suck! A humorous look at life as a retail employee.
Mondo 2000
C|Net's news.com
InfoBeat Today's news, news updates, & weather in your e-mail mailbox daily
Militant Geek Magazine proudly proclaiming that geek is not an insult.
Zif-Davis Online The publisher of PC Computing, PC Magazine, and several other popular computing magazines.
The Freeman Over 100 articles on politics and economics that have appeared in The Freeman, a monthly publication of The Foundation for Economic Education.
Fortean Times A monthly magazine of news, reviews and research on all manner of strange phenomena and experiences, curiosities, prodigies and portents.
AndoverNews.com Searchable news site focused on high-tech news with newswire content, original content, submissions, columns, and cartoons.
SlashDot.Org Threaded discussions related to news for nerds.
Life on the Internet  
THE List of Free Computer-Related Publications
Getting It.Com
NetSlaves Voicebox of the net-career-disenchanted.
News in the Future MIT think-tank consortium on news & the media in the future.
Hacker News Network    
Be Dope BeOS worshipper page
The Onion Humour magazine, reminiscent of National Lampoon
The High Plains Reader Online incarnation of the weekly newspaper
World Socialist Web Site
The fray
Lockergnome Computer-related newsletter
  = Site with questionable or possibly illegal information.