Linux-specific index
Plan 9 Bell Lab's advanced OS a not-for-profit group of linux-users whose goal is to centralize and organize
communication between Linux developers and users alike, as well as be a focal point for Linux
information via FTP, Gopher, the World Wide Web.
Linux Applications and Utilities
Slackware Linux Linux distribution site offers installation help, download locations, Slack
propaganda, and all the latest happenings in Slackware development.
Freedows 98
Operating System Comparison covering all aspects of Windows95/NT information, including software, reviews, tips, games, features, and support.
The unofficial CP/M web page Also includes GEM, a great, great GUI (Windows & Mac-like) for 286s and 8088s
Caldera DR-DOS -- multitasking DOS replacement
Microsoft Windows
Order Windows 98 Now
Minix [Andrew S. Tanenbaum] a free UNIX clone. It is especially designed to be easy to learn.
"Computers" index From Steve's Web Starting Point
Inferno Networking OS designed for multiplatorm compatibility & imbedded systems
Apple Public Source Apple Computers' Open Source project
Be Dope BeOS worshipper page
Distributed.Net   Creating the world's largest computer(s) via distributed systems; projects/games involving cracking encryption & solving mammoth mathematical problems.
The Ultimate OS Multi-OS Site